Bira Gardens

Images @coasthomeswa | Photography @sumeffectstudio
Biara Gardens

The Site

Nestled securely within St Johns Wood in Mount Claremont, this new development segment within the estate offered manicured lots with acquisition by highest bid.
Our clients were fortunate to acquire a flat 447sqm corner block on first offer. A 12.5m, south facing frontage opposite Bold Park bestowed a generous frontage with a leafy outlook. In our design, we needed to adhere to material guidelines for the development and cater for being within a bush fire prone area of the natural reserve.


Our clients were approaching retirement, and so their new residence needed to balance their requirements for low maintenance, while also being a spacious entertainer with a strong sense of sophistication and style.
They sought four bedrooms, three bathrooms, an office and an additional living area in terms of the floorplan. Aesthetically, they briefed us for bold architectural elements and a sense of space and light. We prescribed them a detailed budget plan that would achieve their brief within their desired spending limits.
Biara Gardens
Biara Gardens


We achieved the client’s brief for bold architectural elements with the utilisation of masonry and bricks to establish a cubist-inspired façade.
We combined Koda bricks with breeze blocks to instill shape and texture, and a contrasting monochromatic colour palette for instant kerb appeal. Natural light and space were emphasised by lofty vaulted ceilings in the living and dining areas, enhanced by highlight windows above ceiling level to add variance and interest.

With a grayscale and monochrome theme dominating the build via polished concrete and black window and door frames, texture had to play an important role in adding soul to the build. We softened these more robust design elements with the warmth of oak timber cabinet accents and the organic softness of linen drapes.