
Having helped 350 + owners into new and custom homes, I’ve accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge – and I love to share it.

Yes, building a new home has many moving parts, but it doesn’t have to be complicated when you’ve got the right team in your corner. The best builds start with the best information. However, until now, there was no place for homeowners to seek independent advice on building related topics. Fab Marion Advisory seek to uncomplicated a complex topic for those embarking on building a home in Perth.

So, what qualifies me to partner with you?

Rest assured, I will interrogate every step we take together to assess how we can do things better, where we can achieve more for you, and how we can conclude with the best build possible. I will guide the process, challenge the industry and always question what else is required to build the home in which you will live, work, grow and THRIVE.

I have been privileged to personally deliver the dream of home ownership to more than 350 homeowners across Perth for over 14 years in the industry.

Building in partnership with me meant my homeowners were able to feel confident they were in safe hands, and that’s a gift in a process that can potentially be complicated.
The industry has recognised my new home building experience in WA and I was humbled to be awarded with eight New Home Building Consultant awards for excellence in my field. I am a highly-regarded building consultant, property development and subdivision expert in the Perth property market who has demonstrated and collaborated with some of Perth’s most recognisable home building companies.

I’m also a local business owner

– co-founder of a dedicated subdivision advisory called Unlock Your Block. Our team assists property owners to access hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital they are sitting on in their current homes, by subdividing.
The feedback I’ve received from my clients is that they find my passion and commitment to building quality new homes inspiring, and they felt secure in the fact I was by their side from the start to finish. Want to hear more about what my clients say about me?

“My established industry network means you’re able to make an informed decision around who you choose to work with…”

A good builder is so much more than price tags and specifications on paper. A good builder will share the value that you yourself put on service and creativity.

I know who’s who and what’s what, having dealt with the industry’s ins and outs and pricing structure. I know which Perth builders are commercially sound and who is competitive in their space, their strengths, internal cultures and ability to deliver to spec.

In my industry, longevity means creating a reputation of credibility, and that is hard earned. My established industry network means you’re able to make an informed decision around who you choose to work with, and I will connect you with the right builder knowing from experience they can meet your expectations.
I believe in transparent communications, empowering my clients through education and coming to the table with passion, professionalism and persistence.
I don’t believe in smoke and mirrors, just sound advice and solid support in the building, buying and designing process. I believe industry jargon is a distraction, hand-balling indicates lack of accountability and standing by your clients throughout the process – long after they sign on the dotted line – is what every homeowner deserves.
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Did You Know?

We run live sessions and have a digital library to help you through the process, including topics such as ‘Finding & Selecting the right building block and ‘How to Set & Stick to Your New Home Building Budget’.
Check our MasterClasses page for more information
No time to attend? or prefer tailored advice?

Education, knowledge and advice Mitigating risks & budget blowouts Connecting you with the industry Achieving a custom designed home Making the best investment of time & money Enjoy your journey, free of complications